IT Support

IT Support to Suit Your Business

Cynetix provides IT support to a broad spectrum of businesses, from UK-based small offices right up to large corporations spread across different time zones.

As a result, we offer a range of great value support packages, each designed to fit the needs of different sizes and types of business… including yours.

When your IT fails, you need it fixed… fast. You need to talk directly to someone, someone who already knows your business and its IT set-up.

That’s Where Cynetix Comes In

Our in-house helpdesk support can be contacted in whichever way suits you: phone, email or helpdesk.
We identify and analyse problems and find solutions… fast.
Our team of 20 trained and qualified in-house engineers will pinpoint issues and fix your hardware… fast; via desktop connection or site visit (where geographic location allows, of course).

Nothing is outsourced, so we guarantee to support you and your business with people who know your account. This means we hit the ground running if any issues arise, as we already know your hardware, your software, your configuration and your business’s specific requirements.

We Speak Your Language

We mean this in every sense: if you’re English-speaking, we can talk in detailed tech-speak to IT department personnel, but if IT isn’t your specialism, we ensure we communicate in clear, acronym- and jargon-free plain English.

A Choice of Support Packages

From Pay As You Go (PAYG) Support right up to unlimited multi-site Contract Support, choose the package best suited to your needs. As your business grows, you can of course upgrade to the next level of support.

PAYG Support

No commitment, no contract, just flexible ad-hoc support when you need it. Hour-for-hour, not surprisingly, you’ll pay more, as you’re not paying the insurance of a contract. But in various circumstances this can be the ideal solution:

  • Cover for your IT staff absences and holidays
  • A temporary top-up for your busy internal IT team
  • A try-before-you-buy trial of our IT support before committing to a contract
  • A solution for companies with simple IT needs, likely to be fewer than 5 employees

Premier Support

If your business requires guaranteed response times and fully customisable support, then this is the route for you. Strongly recommended for companies with more than 5 employees or any company with mission-critical IT systems requiring ongoing care.

Choose from levels of support in our Premier Support contract packages: Basic, Standard and Pro. Starting at less than £150 per month, each one delivers an impressive level of support, giving the reassurance and security your business needs.

Website Support

Your website is likely to be your primary shop-window to the world. So, you need to ensure that it’s a shop that never closes! Cynetix can support your website, whether it’s been created by us or others.

When was the last time you reviewed the design and security of your website? Included in our support package is a comprehensive bi-annual website review.

As well as a support contract, we can also provide ad-hoc website support.

Programming Support

Bespoke software can often be a necessity – the specific functions and applications of your business need more than off-the-shelf solutions. But what if your original software designer is no longer available?

As well as providing comprehensive support for software we have written for you, Cynetix also offers specialised support for bespoke programs written by third parties. Our in-house programming team can correct errors in programs and provide new modules to add features or functions to existing software.

Our programming support is available on contract plus some types of work are available on an ad-hoc basis.

Cloud services

A different form of support and back-up, but one that provides the ultimate in flexibility for you and your business:

  • Back up all your data to the cloud with Veeam
  • Access cloud-based versions of our Salsys CRM package and Microsoft 365
  • Hosting: our competitive and reliable hosting packages are available for websites and email, including cloud anti-spam solutions

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