Enhance Your Business Presentation with These Showy MS PowerPoint Ideas

Published: 11th October 2022

Microsoft (MS) PowerPoint has been the staple of many presentations over the years since it was added to the Microsoft Office suite. Here at Cynetix, we have learned a trick or two with almost all the Microsoft 365 apps and wanted to share them with you. First up is MS PowerPoint.

Slide Design

It is common for us to click ‘add new blank’ slides and go from there. However, MS PowerPoint has design built in. Starting with Themes and Templates. Before you open a new blank template, why not search through the presentations, themes, education, business, charts, diagrams, and infographic offerings. Many of them are online so let MS PowerPoint do the searching for you.

Simple Slides

If you really want to impress your audience, then Simple Slides is the website to get some inspiring ideas and ready-made templates.

Simple slides for MS PowerPoint
Simple slides for MS PowerPoint

Design tab in MS PowerPoint

Once you have a template and start your new presentation, the custom design does not end there. As clicking on the ‘design’ tab will give you more options. You can hover over the bar of options and see how it changes your slides before you commit.

Design tab in MS PowerPoint
Design tab in MS PowerPoint

Designer Button

Or you can click the designer button and assorted designs will be shown on the right-hand side.

Designer Button in MS PowerPoint
Designer Button in MS PowerPoint

You can also change the colours and even input your company colours and of course add your logo to the slides.

Input your Data

Once you have a colourful and eye-catching design, you can input the data you wish to present. Here’s a tip: If your company has a particular font, then you can change the text to use that font. The effortless way is to click on ‘replace’ and then ‘replace fonts. The menu will allow you to replace the fonts across your presentation.

The replace function
The replace function

Inputting charts and diagrams is easy on the input tab, however, if you have impressive facts and figures, then use MS PowerBI to create diagrams and charts. You can then import these into MS PowerPoint with the PowerBI button.

Pictures are great to visually break up the data and enhance the appearance of your slides. MS PowerPoint has a huge bank of pictures for you to use. One little trick, people don’t know is available in MS PowerPoint is the remove background option.

Remove background function
Remove background function

You can select areas to keep or discard. It isn’t always as simple with complex pictures, but it does mean you can add pictures that have the main characters or product you want without the background.

Animations & Transitions in MS PowerPoint

Now you have a presentation but clicking slide after slide is a bit mind-numbing. Even if you add a slide animation. The real clever and entertaining presentations use transitions within the slides.


Big blocks of text can be daunting when presented together. Break up chunks of text with bullet points, so you are not just reading of the slide, but using the points as cue cards. These bullet points can be programmed to ‘appear’ as you click or after a set time, using animation. However, a new transition; ‘morph,’ has brought new interest in transitions.


You can apply Morph to text, either the words or individual characters, and pictures, or apply to all.

Here is a short video from Microsoft to explain further

Now you can see how Morph works, you can start to make extremely engaging presentations. Another tip is that if you use one of the themes we talked about earlier, most of them are all ready set up for Morph to work.

Microsoft Office 365

We can help you add Microsoft Office 365 suite to your business. You can keep your domain name and we can smooth the transition from your current email host. Talk to us about how Microsoft 365 can complete your software needs.

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