Email Marketing

Direct Email Solutions

We all know what SPAM is and we all know it's usually the first thing in the recycle bin in the morning. At Cynetix we believe in targeted Email Marketing, that is to say only emailing people who are interested in receiving information on what you are wanting to send them.

To this end we work with you and one of our email marketing partners to get you the best results. We will work with you to design the email and get it looking just like you want it and then it's passed on to our partners who select the groups of people who will respond best to the email we are sending...and that's it. You just sit back and wait for the website visitors and phone calls.

Once the email has gone out all sorts of statistics are available to you. You can find out how many have been delivered, how many have been opened and what those people did once they opened it. This kind of knowledge can help you formulate your next advertising campaign.

Some of our clients elect to combine a new website with an Email Marketing campaign to help generate interest and visitors.

Email Marketing can be very cost effective, especially as a lot of the content and design can be carried over to physical advertising as well.

Please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.

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